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Arcserve enhances key ransomware defence solution

Arcserve Southern Africa has revealed that Arcserve, the world’s leading ransomware protection and data resilience provider, has announced the availability of Arcserve Backup 19, an enhanced version of its widely adopted tape air gapping solution. Arcserve Backup 19 delivers improved performance, security and reliability over previous releases. Arcserve Backup 19 air gapping technology provides a […]

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Artificial intelligence bringing precision and speed to the production line

With the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technology integrated with modern cloud platforms, embedding AI into business processes is no longer an expensive or lengthy process. is Automotive industry leaders are displaying a rapid approach to innovation, deploying an AI application in the manufacturing production line. “As an example of the efficiency that AI […]

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Application automation: Game-changer in the world of analytics

As noted in my previous article, automation throughout the analytics pipeline is the backbone of a system capable of real-time, hyper-contextual information and analysis.But beyond enabling faster, smarter acquisition-to-insight, automation holds the promise of even greater things: it can extend the intelligent data pipeline right into the realm of actions.As we saw in the evolution […]

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Succeeding in Work in 2022 – What to Stop, Start, and Strive For

To succeed in Human Capital Management (HCM), creating an agile people strategy in an uncertain world is critical. As markets recover, managing increasing workloads while facing the consequences of the pandemic increases risks of burn-out, dropped focus, and the onset of depression. Adapting to the new hybrid style of work requires some significant changes for […]

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World Backup Day, 31 March – businesses must backup and plan for recovery

As businesses globally are reminded about the importance of data backup during World Backup Day, the world’s leading ransomware and data resilience provider stresses that recovery can often be the missing part of the successful business continuity equation. Global research commissioned by Arcserve reveals that most companies will suffer data loss at some point. The […]

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Modernise with the cloud that comes to you – why companies are choosing on-premise cloud-like solutions

By now, you should be well familiar with this story: digital transformation is propelling businesses into the modern era, cloud adoption is a necessary element of this transformation, so the recent acceleration of digital transformation has also hastened the uptake of cloud. Businesses are transitioning to the cloud to reap the benefits of reduced costs, […]

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