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Need reliable financial data for a global marketplace? Automation is the answer

In recent years businesses have been met with unforeseen and unprecedented circumstances. To not only survive but also stay ahead of the competition, organisations have had to take a hard look at their processes and procedures. The technological world is advancing at an exceptionally rapid rate. Organisations employing outdated legacy systems and processes – like […]

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Uncovering the main business drivers behind ESM

In my previous article, I discussed the automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics benefits attached to enterprise service management (ESM) implementation. I reiterate that to ensure ESM is effective, it must be integrated, personalised and automated. Interestingly, the EMA study previously referred to, noted that 61% of the high-benefiting, mature ESM deployments rated combining AI, […]

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Modern banking

Developing a digital bankOne of South Africa’s first digital only banks, designed to improve the money management of clients and built around behavioural economics.The challengeWhen the bank was announced, the company put a great deal of work into developing infrastructure, operating processes, and the customer value proposition. However, the digital-first, mobile-first approach required a great […]

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The Business benefits of Oracle hyperion

Within the current socio-economic climate, businesses are facing unprecedented challenges and concerns. According to Stats SA’s Business Impact Survey of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 85.4% of South African businesses had a turnover below their normal rates, and 46.4% of South African businesses reported a temporary closure or paused trading activity. “These are exceedingly difficult times. Business […]

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Advanced ERP Technology rebuilds, rejuvenates & strengthens organisations

The Covid-19 Pandemic continues to cause a global knock to the economy. Many companies folded under the pressure while others only barely survived. Organisational leaders are now faced with the challenge of rebuilding, rejuvenating, and strengthening their businesses. For this purpose, leaders have been turning to advanced Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.ERP offers a wide […]

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The future of ERP

If data is an organisation’s lifeblood, then enterprise resource planning is the heart pumping it around and giving visibility across different business units to improve efficiency and customer service. How is this critical software class evolving? The majority of legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) investments fail in today’s digital era. They don’t move quickly enough, […]

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Utilising advanced technological solutions to drive global success in distribution organisations

Achieving sound local or global distribution reach is imperative for any distributor hoping to survive and thrive in today’s socio-economic climate. Many organisations are failing as they cling to old and outdated legacy systems. These systems drastically reduce efficiency and substantially increase the probability of delays and revenue loss due to human error. “Today’s distributors […]

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Make a good Impression with an e-signing solution designed for South African businesses

Impression Signatures achieves exponential growth during COVID-19, helping customers maintain business momentum remotely with its 100% compliant e-signature tool. South Africa’s COVID-19-related lockdowns forced local businesses into allowing and enabling their employees to work from home. The technology to support such a shift has been around for some time. But many companies, particularly those with […]

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