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CA Southern Africa, Veracode reveal that when it comes to application flaws, the devil is in the data

A Southern Africa reveals that the latest edition of the annual Veracode 2023 State of Software Security reports that applications grow in size by about 40% year on year irrespective of their original size. The research aims to assist businesses to meet the multiple challenges of reducing security debt and avoiding the introduction of security flaws that accumulate over […]

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The Security Risks of ChatGPT

By Byron Horn-Botha, Business Unit Head Arcserve Southern Africa. ChatGPT, developed by the artificial intelligence lab OpenAI, is a humanoid chatbot causing a global sensation. It is now the fastest growing app in history, hitting 100 million active users in just two months – much faster than the nine months it took previous record-holder TikTok to reach that […]

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Blog- Breaking Up with Call Centers- How to Deliver an Amazing CX Experience

Breaking Up with Call Centers: How to Deliver an Amazing CX Experience

As organisations evolve their contact centres, call centres and service centres into customer experience centres, achieving time to value can be a challenge if they take a big bang platform implementation approach. Making the change incrementally can offer faster returns and an easier transition. This is according to Christiaan Kriel, Business Executive: Automation at iOCO, […]

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CA Southern Africa reveals Perfecto’s best practices for high-velocity testing

Speeding up software testing does not have to mean starting from scratch – the best way to accelerate it is by optimising current testing strategy. Perfecto is the key to achieving faster testing. This is according to Craig De Lucchi, Account Director, CA Southern Africa. He confirms the following mini strategy from Perfecto helps deliver faster testing […]

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