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CA Southern Africa delivers Symantec Enterprise Cloud to SA’s largest corporations

CA Southern Africa delivers Symantec Enterprise Cloud to SA’s largest corporations

Symantec Enterprise Cloud, a Broadcom cyber security solution, brings data-centric hybrid security for the largest and most complex organisations in the world. It enables enterprises to meet legal, regulatory and corporate data compliance requirements. Symantec Enterprise Cloud also empowers today’s modern workforce to securely access sensitive company assets from anywhere. “It unifies intelligence across control points, enabling […]

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Rock-solid data resilience is the only option

Rock-solid data resilience is the only option

Why backups, high availability and immutability should be the foundation of all companies’ cyber security strategy. Let’s kick off by answering the question – why should backup, high availability and immutability be the foundation of cyber security strategies? In a nutshell, because together they provide a rock-solid comprehensive cyber security strategy that delivers resilience against a […]

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Why zero trust needs an integrated platform

Why zero trust needs an integrated platform

Successful zero trust can only be accomplished through the construction of an integrated platform that shares information across different security technologies. To reach this level of security, it is essential to have an integrated platform that can centralise and correlate information from various security technologies and tools that have traditionally operated in their own silos. To achieve […]

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Why Zero Trust must be an essential part of cybersecurity strategy

Why Zero Trust must be an essential part of cybersecurity strategy

In the early days of computing, security was relatively simple since computers were isolated entities. Physical security was sufficient, with authorised users being granted access to a computer room. However, with the advent of computer networking and the internet, security became more complex. The concept of a physical perimeter protecting the network emerged, one could […]

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The Distributors Silver Bullet: Offering Value-Added Services

Offering value-added services should be integral to any distribution company’s business model. Value-added services go beyond the immediate delivery of goods and provide additional customer benefits. With manufacturers deploying disintermediation strategies, the emergence and growth of large e-commerce platforms, and larger competitors, competition is fierce. A company can stand out from the competition by providing […]

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Technology Trends for the Enterprise – What’s in Store for the Rest of 2023?

Technology Trends for the Enterprise – What’s in Store for the Rest of 2023?

As we usher in the second half of 2023, enterprise cloud solution providers are looking to expand their focus to business buyers, not just IT/development teams.   Interestingly, Gartner® notes in its Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2023 presentation[1], given by Gartner analysts at its 2022 IT Symposia globally, “senior IT and business leaders need […]

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Powering resilience

Powering resilience

In 2022, South Africans experienced 205 days of load-shedding,(1) with a CSIR report stating that businesses and individuals had no electricity for 43% of the hours in the year.(2) January 2023 saw predictions of the same amount of load-shedding this year, but the reality has been far worse. 21 March marked the first full-day suspension […]

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