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Dealing with disruption – from challenge to change

COVID-19 has been a massively disruptive force—it has caused businesses to close, forced people to work from home, accelerated the rate of technological adoption and pressed organisations to reinvent themselves overnight to remain sustainable and survive. It has also exacerbated issues that existed pre-pandemic. Unsurprisingly, business leaders face considerable challenges as they look to the […]

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Business by the numbers

Ascendis Health uses global financial visibility and insight to manage its organization. Numbers don’t lie. They can describe the financial health of an enterprise, drive decisions, uncover risks, and reveal operational efficiencies and shortfalls. Through accounting processes, financial data is how the business communicates with those running it. That is, as long as someone receives […]

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Guardians of product performance track app development step by step

Performance engineering is transforming software development and the job descriptions of all those engaged in it, ensuring consistent production performance results. In my first article in this series of two, I took an in-depth look at the difference between performance testing and performance engineering. One of the important things to note is that performance engineering […]

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How to get the full benefits of testing automation

Testing has become the bottleneckProducts can’t go to market without being thoroughly tested, but the testing process can often be a bottleneck that prevents an organisation from realising the benefit of taking new features to clients. Limiting companies’ abilities to increase revenue generation and obtaining a competitive advantage.It’s clear that organisations cannot rely on manual […]

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The case for increased automation of the finance function

Whichever way you look at it, automation has become a feature of the finance function – a very positive one at that. In 2014 research from McKinsey Global Institute estimated that activities comprising 34% of a financial manager’s time could be automated by adapting current technologies, freeing up finance professionals for more strategic activities. Executives sat up and listened. […]

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