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Exponential organisations are data driven

The term “exponential organisation” came to the fore some years ago when author Salim Ismail outlined new paradigms in organisational design and described businesses that were able to fast-track traditional growth and make 10x the impact or grow 10x faster than other companies. Ismail described several characteristics that made them distinct from traditional organisations, including […]

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Embracing the three categories of business intelligence

Companies need to add experimental business intelligence to their curated and federated BI planning, as it’s a high-risk, high-reward arena in the data and analytics space. According to Gartner, business intelligence (BI) platforms enable enterprises to build BI applications by providing capabilities in three categories: analysis, such as online analytical processing; information delivery, such as […]

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The EOH flag is flying high, as we celebrate the golfing prowess of our very own David Thompson, iOCO’s Head Executive of the Western Cape Sales

David recently represented the Western Province for golf at the WP Mid-Amateur side in the annual IPT (Inter Provincial Tournament) at the Elements golf reserve in Limpopo which took place in October 2021. After many hours of relentless practice determination and perseverance, the WP team got off to a great start as they beat the […]

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