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If we can do better for our customers, we can do better for our employees

Over the past decade new technologies have been embraced by companies looking to create exceptional customer experiences. But funnily enough we’ve not invested the same thought or energy towards providing an equivalent experience for employees. Until quite recently, it was almost expected that employees should suffer through a myriad of separate systems: performance management, administration, […]

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Apex BI, iOCO assist enterprise organisations to dodge cost bullet on remote work communications

Large enterprises that scrambled to deploy remote workforces at the start of the lockdown last year unwittingly stood to be crippled by massive communications costs – with mobile data consumption by some organisations spiking by up to several terabytes of mobile data in a single month. This is according to systems integrator iOCO and technology […]

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AWS empowers financial services provider to offer customers relief when they needed it most

When COVID-19 hit, one of our customers, a financial services provider (FSP), wanted to offer payment relief options, to help its own customers through this uncertain time. However, it relied on its holding company’s systems and infrastructure, which typically followed a waterfall development approach. So, although the FSP wanted to move fast and offer payment […]

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Powerful anytime, anywhere user experiences through virtualisation

Hybrid work is here to stay. How your people connect and access applications and data, and the extent to which you can make the employee experience more secure, productive, seamless and cost-effective will increasingly determine your attractiveness as an employer. One way to create powerful anytime, anywhere user experiences is by virtualising applications. Virtualisation is […]

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