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Exponential transformation under way, with data at its heart in SA

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically fast-tracked digital transformation globally, launching a wave of exponential transformation. This is according to Anthony Marshall, Senior Research Director, Thought Leadership at the IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV), who was speaking ahead of an iOCO – IBM webinar on ‘Using AI Powered Analytics for Digital Acceleration’. Marshall says new research […]

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Modern manufacturers: Capitalising on disruptive technology while minimising risk

Today’s manufacturers are required to manage unprecedented demands and expectations, while navigating global shifts due to the ongoing pandemic. Despite – and in many ways because of – this, technology is rapidly evolving and advancing. Disruptive technology presents manufacturers with vast opportunities for business growth and enhancement. Embracing disruption is essential for success in today’s […]

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Expertise to accelerate transformation

Today’s business leaders realise the importance of digital transformation to future-proof their organisations and succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Digital technology can help businesses drive performance, improve customer experience and lead their industries. However, while it may be essential for business growth, it is no small undertaking—it requires organisation-wide commitment and significant investment in […]

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