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World Backup Day, 31 March – businesses must backup and plan for recovery

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As businesses globally are reminded about the importance of data backup during World Backup Day, the world’s leading ransomware and data resilience provider stresses that recovery can often be the missing part of the successful business continuity equation.

Global research commissioned by Arcserve reveals that most companies will suffer data loss at some point. The findings highlight why having a fast and effective data recovery plan plays an equally important role as data backup.

Key findings from the research include:

  • 74% of mid-sized companies have experienced data loss in the last five years;
  • 52% of respondents said they could not recover all their data after a loss;
  • 94% say data loss had a direct impact on the way their IT teams operate;
  • 69% of those say they needed to revise their data recovery plans; and
  • 23% of businesses globally do not test their data recovery plans.

Arcserve recommends businesses adopt the proven 3-2-1-1 data backup strategy. The 3-2-1-1 strategy requires three backup copies of data on two different media, such as disk and tape, with one of those copies located offsite for disaster recovery. The final one in the 3-2-1-1 equation is immutable backup – a key element of successful ransomware protection because data is converted to a write-once, read many times format – and cannot be altered.

Byron Horn-Botha, Business Unit Head, Arcserve Southern Africa, says: “World Backup Day was created to help people be more aware of the significance that data plays in our everyday lives and the importance of keeping it safe. Of course, we fully agree with this and believe that robust and tested data recovery planning is a critical element of any data backup and protection plan.”

About the research: Conducted by Dimensional Research among 709 qualified individuals with budget and/or technical decision-making responsibility for data management, data protection and storage solutions at a company with 100-2 500 employees and at least 5TB of data.

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