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Unlock instant productivity with pre-built Digital Workforce solutions

If your business operates like most others do, your staff might be spending most of their day on manual and repetitive tasks that are time consuming and mundane. This is not only frustrating for them, damaging their work experience, it’s hindering your organisation’s growth. 

Through intelligent automation, Digital Workforce-as-a-Service has been designed to automate and speed up repetitive, time-consuming and costly tasks thus freeing up your employees to focus on more complex and strategic activities that require human capabilities.Providing immediate access to pre-built workforce automation solutions, Digital Workforce-as-a-Service can be deployed quickly to deliver instant value.

Improve productivity and profits

Research shows that 80% of organisations want to adopt intelligent automation. However, many are finding it challenging to decide where to start their journeys, and others are struggling to get value out of their existing investments. With the growing prominence of AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), making the right decisions can seem daunting. 

Designed to run as a service, iOCO’s workforce automation solution removes the burden and responsibility of having to buy an intelligent automation solution, allowing you the freedom to explore the benefits of automation outsourcing with no upfront capital outlay.  

Other benefits include: 

An increase in: 

  • Output capacity. Bots handle repetitive tasks quicker and more accurately while your human workforce can focus on value-added tasks 
  • Flexibility and scalability. If necessary, deploy multiple bots to execute the same tasks simultaneously to maximise time and profit  
  • Operating hours. Bots are available 24/7/365 at a much lower cost compared to a human workforce 
  • Quality of output. At speed, bots are more accurate than a human workforce 

Digital Workforce-as-a-Service will also reduce:  

  • Staff turnover. Humans feel more valuable and appreciated as they spend their  
    time on higher value tasks and less time on repetitive, mundane tasks, increasing staff retention rates. 
  • Processing time. A digital workforce will get the job done faster. 
  • Error rates. Manual processes are more open to human error 
  • Inefficiencies. A digital workforce is pre-programmed, so there is no need for briefing or handovers, and misunderstandings are less likely to arise. 

Constantly updated, enhanced, and aligned with the latest technology, Digital Workforce-as-a-Service enables you to choose the right solution to meet your needs – now, and in the future

Plug and play modules 

Digital Workforce-as-a-Service makes digital workforce transformation easy. Using bots to complete pre-designed, common processes, this intelligent automation solution includes the following pre-built process outsource modules: 

Drive greater productivity

AI and intelligent automation can be controversial, particularly in the context of digital workforce transformation. Many people believe that artificial intelligence is taking over the human workforce, but the reality is that human workers can benefit from Business Process Automation (BPO) solutions like Digital Workforce-as-a-Service.  

When intelligent automation is implemented in a business effectively, it doesn’t replace jobs, it augments them to drive greater productivity. If your organisation is under-utilising high-end resources to complete mundane tasks when they could bring better value to the business by focusing on more demanding tasks, or if you have to deal with seasonal trends that put your current team under tremendous pressure, iOCO’s catalogue of predeveloped digital workforce solutions is a fast, easy way to make immediate improvements. 

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Need help with your digital workforce transformation?

iOCO can tailor a digital workforce automation solution to meet your needs. 


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