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Radicati Data Loss Prevention Market Quadrant 2023 – Broadcom is a leader

CA Southern Africa, a representative of Broadcom, has disclosed Symantec’s recognition as a Top Player in the Radicati Data Loss Prevention (DLP) – Market Quadrant 2023.

Radicati Market Quadrants provide an analysis of the market for data loss prevention that recognises Top Players, Trail Blazers, Specialists and Mature Players. These reports are designed to illustrate how individual vendors fit within specific technology markets at any given point in time. All Radicati Market Quadrants are composed of four sections, as follows:

Top Players – These are the current market leaders, with products that offer both breadth and depth of functionality, as well as possess a solid vision for the future. Top Players shape the market with their technology and strategic vision. Vendors don’t become Top Players overnight. Most of the companies in this quadrant were first Specialists or Trail Blazers (some were both). As companies reach this stage, they must fight complacency and continue to innovate.

Trail Blazers – These vendors offer advanced, best-of-breed technology in some areas of their solutions, but don’t necessarily have all the features and functionality that would position them as Top Players. Trail Blazers, however, have the potential for “disrupting” the market with new technology or new delivery models. In time, these vendors are most likely to grow into Top Players.

Specialists – This group is made up of two types of companies:

a) Emerging players that are new to the industry and still have to develop some aspects of their solutions. These companies are still developing their strategy and technology.

b) Established vendors that offer very good solutions for their customer base and have a loyal customer base that is totally satisfied with the functionality they are deploying.

Mature Players – These vendors are large, established vendors that may offer strong features and functionality, but have slowed down innovation and are no longer considered “movers and shakers” in this market as they once were.

The Radicati DLP Market Quadrant highlighted strengths in Symantec DLP solutions including:

Symantec DLP offers a strong set of content detection technologies through advanced capabilities such as machine learning, exact data matching, fingerprinting, image recognition, structured data identifiers and tagging.

Symantec’s DLP solution includes a number of key capabilities, such as CloudSOC (CASB) support for data classification, encryption and digital rights management, and user entity behaviour analytics (UEBA).

Symantec DLP is fully integrated with key components of Symantec’s product portfolio, in particular CloudSOC Mirror Gateway (agentless CASB support for unmanaged devices), e-mail security, endpoint security and web security. This delivers a consistent policy architecture and enforcement across multiple channels of potential data loss.

Michael Brink, CTO of CA Southern Africa, notes this is yet another endorsement of Symantec’s incomparable capabilities in zero trust and SASE.

Read the report: Radicati Data Loss Prevention – Market Quadrant 2023

Written by: Michael Brink, CTO, CA Southern Africa

Originally featured here