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Infor WMS offers complete, best-in-class WMS Solution

By Paul Bouchier
Sales Director at iOCO, within iOCO Software Distribution, an Infor Gold Partner

In modern warehouse management, the need to support omni-channel commerce (B2B/B2C) from a single site cannot be overstated. Warehouses today face greater challenges than ever before as they aim to satisfy a constantly increasing demand for speed, availability, and low costs to achieve customer satisfaction.

Modern Challenges to Warehouse Management   

According to Infor research, some of the greatest challenges faced in warehouse management include:

  • Rising order volume, falling order size, and increasing touches per order
  • High logistics and fulfilment costs
  • 3PL/LSPs ability to track/invoice inventory at the customer level
  • Pressure to increase customer service levels, reflected in increased customer expectations such as decreased delivery windows, or the cost of non-compliance
  • Difficulty tracking inventory attributes such as serial numbers, lots, and so forth
  • Poor human resource utilisation and management
  • Constrained warehouse space or labour constraints/costs
  • Increased use of integrated warehouse automation
  • Order accuracy issues reflected in returns and customer complaints
  • Late deliveries, increased reliance on expediting, and stock-outs

One Solution to Address it All

Thankfully, Infor WMS addresses all these challenges, and more. As the Gartner Magic quadrant leader for three years running, this advanced warehouse management system (WMS) combines core warehouse functionality with labour management, task management, wave management, and third-party logistics (3PL) management on one highly configurable, scalable database – allowing users to manage multiple channels (B2B/B2C) from a single warehouse.

With a contemporary user interface and open API framework, Infor WMS enables advanced features such as:

  • Web RF
  • 3D visual warehousing
  • Voice processing

Advanced Integration Driving Warehouse & Logistics Best Practice

Functioning on the Infor OS platform – delivering enhanced integration, user experience, document management, and analytics – Infor WMS drives total efficiency:

In fulfillment:

  • 5 to 10% improvement in order fill rate
  • 5 to 20% decrease in space requirements
  • Inventory accuracy over 99%

In labour and productivity:

  • 20-40% increase in labuor productivity
  • 5-12% increase in inventory throughput
  • Faster new employee onboarding

For cost savings:

  • 5 to 25% saving in total operational cost
  • Omni-channel and DTC fulfillment

Best-in-class for Total Warehouse Efficiency  

With more than 400 APIs, Infor WMS allows for easier integration to their party applications, while delivering a 3D visual warehouse and total yard visibility. Available on-premise and in the cloud, Infor WMS is currently available to 1200 customers across more than 50 countries, and in 14 languages.

For more information about how to develop the warehouse of the future, please contact Paul Bouchier at