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Transforming the Culture of Guest Experiences

Modern day technological advances have seen a radical transformation in the culture of guest experiences. In order for hospitality businesses to keep abreast with, and create, the demanded technologically advanced guest experience culture, these businesses need to understand the elements that comprise the modern-day guest experience.

Three Key Elements of the Modern-Day Guest Experience

  1. Technology
  2. Culture
  3. Expectations

How These Elements Interact

These three elements exist in a cyclical relationship whereby the one is constantly feeding into and affecting the other. The technological advances brought about by industry 4.0, and the continual evolution of this technology, has resulted in an ever shifting and ever-growing consumer culture. This ceaseless metamorphosis of consumer culture directly impacts and influences the demands and expectations that customers have when it comes to the modern-day guest experience.

Empowering the Guests

It’s simple. Allow them to be in charge of processes.

According to Infor; “The demand for more empowering technology has led to the replacement of processes that place limitations on guests… This shift in cultural values around technology and process is the key principle behind all mobile technology.”

As technology advances, individuals are experiencing a transformative shift whereby they are enjoying more agency over their everyday transactions and processes. Through tapping into this emerging culture, hospitality businesses can further meet guest expectations by allowing them to feel empowered through technologies such as mobile technology. Guests can use their personal devices to access relevant information about their stay, make bookings, and conduct transactions. According to Infor, this can be achieved through “hospitality businesses providing a stable and secure platform that will scale as trends emerge.”

Benefits of Transforming the Culture of Guest Experiences

  • Enabling processes to be done easily and in real-time without the hassle and cost of outdated systems
  • Hospitality businesses receive real and relevant feedback and information with regards to their guests’ desires and needs and can thus tailor their services accordingly
  • Greater level of convenience and comfort for guests and staff
  • Freedom of movement and planning for guests

Hospitality businesses that offer guest experiences encompassing freedom, flexibility and fluidity will not only be able to provide their guests with an exceptional level of service but will be able to grow at a pace that enables them to stay relevant and profitable too.

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