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Arcserve’s comprehensive disaster recovery

Arcserve’s comprehensive disaster recovery

According to Arcserve Southern Africa, a well-defined disaster recovery plan is crucial for minimising downtime and ensuring operations are returned to normal, quickly. “Any such plans should also incorporate a data backup strategy – including recovery point and time objectives (RPOs and RTOs) – plus detailed procedures for data restoration, system recovery, business continuity and […]

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How to reduce disaster recovery readiness testing times by up to 75% with 80% fewer resources

How to reduce disaster recovery readiness testing times by up to 75% with 80% fewer resources

Disaster recovery (DR) readiness is a necessity for today’s highly digitalised companies and an important item on any board agenda. CIOs must be able to prove, with full documentary evidence, that the business is operationally resilient from an IT perspective. This can turn out to be extremely difficult using partially automated and manually operated tests, […]

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