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Modern manufacturers: Capitalising on disruptive technology while minimising risk

Today’s manufacturers are required to manage unprecedented demands and expectations, while navigating global shifts due to the ongoing pandemic. Despite – and in many ways because of – this, technology is rapidly evolving and advancing. Disruptive technology presents manufacturers with vast opportunities for business growth and enhancement.

Embracing disruption is essential for success in today’s markets, to keep pace with digitising competitors, it is imperative that manufacturers lean into these disruptive technologies, utilising solutions that offer the greatest advantage with minimal risk.

However, many business leaders have expressed mild to extreme stress around their ability and capability to correctly, and timeously, implement these disruptive technologies.

Take Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), which are creating mass efficiencies. While this technology is highly beneficial, it is crucial that manufacturers understand and implement what is right for their industry and follow best practices to maximise business potential.

Leading technologies that would be of optimal benefit to the manufacturing industry would likely differ from those utilised for the healthcare industry, for example. Advanced solutions should guide business leaders and decision makers in choosing the best fit for their particular organisational and industry needs.

With the right on-premise, hybrid, and cloud solutions in place, organisational stress and pressure are decreased as sound digital strategies drive competitive edge. With this approach, manufacturers can capitalise on disruptive technologies such as robotics, production automation, and embedded intelligence.

Any organisation that wants to thrive within the modern digital world must take advantage of and implement full-featured, robust ERP applications that can be deployed both on-premise and in the Cloud. Those organisational leaders who are currently implementing – or are hoping to implement these disruptive technologies in the future – can rely on advanced technological solutions such as Infor’s CloudSuite Industrial ERP to navigate digitisation effectively.

CloudSuite Industrial solutions help manufacturers to overcome legacy software which impedes manufacturing productivity, while quickly optimising manufacturing operations.

Effectively implementing the right disruptive technologies offers organisations a vast array of opportunities and benefits. Processes and procedures are optimised and business growth and potential soar exponentially.

By Paul Bouchier, Sales Director at iOCO within iOCO Software Distribution, an Infor Gold Partner.